Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More from the world of the mundane

Emma certainly amazes me every day. She just finished reading Stuart Little, and will soon start reading Charlotte's Web. Adela and Emma are both growing so fast that although Emma is 4 years older than her, Adela is wearing a dress that I just took out of Emma's drawer because it was too short. (that may have more to do with the fact that Emma is so thin that she still fits into size 4-5 T shirts). Adela is way too smart (like her siblings, but more street smart I guess...), and quite a model, look at her posing!
Logan is as always being a little rascal. We took all the kids to parent's night out, and when we got there to pick him up I was told about all the naughty things he did. I was furious! Not only is he being bad, but also, he is ruining the experience for all of us. In fact, if he continues that way, they won't watch them any more (gasp!!!). Let's hope he does better...
About me, I had quite a scare last week, when I was supposed to sign up for my classes in the spring and one of them was totally full. This ordinarily would not be a big issue, but it is an online class, and I need to be registered in order to be considered for the nursing program. Anyone who knows me just a little bit knows that I tend to panic easily... Well, I was in full blown panic mode, even so far as asking my visiting teachers and home teachers to pray for me so I could get in the class (I got chastised by Doug later over that). In any case, I was praying about it yesterday, as I had done for quite a while and remembered something from Sunday school class a few weeks ago. It was about family history work, and the instructor talked about turning your heart to your ancestors, and they will turn their hearts to you, and help you. I remembered how my dad and mom tell me that my grandmas are watching out for me. So, I decided to finally submit their names for temple ordinances, and I started planning a trip to the family history library to get that done right away. As soon as I did that, I got an email from the professor, telling me that the add codes will be sent in a couple of days.
I also talked to my mom and dad and asked them if they would give me permission to do their parent's temple work, and my mom agreed, but my dad not only agreed, he told me he has a feeling that it is what his Mom wants. Tears filled my eyes as I realized it was her wish all this time, and it is soon to be fulfilled.
Until next time...


  1. Wow that is so neat!!! I so believe in guardian angels!!! What a blessing and congratulations on getting the class you needed!!!:)

  2. Your kids are getting so big. That is so wonderful about the temple work. I am sure that will be a special experience!
